Monday, April 6, 2009

the hills

so far, the hills have provided both futility and immortality. death is of little concern because there is little expected of life. life is of little concern because death is liberating. yet when we encounter these facets of our lives head-on, we seem to become a little squeamish. for many, it's either all life or all death. for others, it's a little of both, hoping to balance out both existences. yet there is a realm outside both of these places and i have yet to venture into it. it involves gods of india and hinduism but it fascinates me to a large extent. perhaps i will travel to india one day and meet one of these many armed gods or demons. yes, i know the first commandment but sometimes the breaking of these commandments and the investigation of why these things are allowed and why these things occur are of high importance. i now realize that writers were damned enemies of Christ but i also realize that no one is forever damned and that friends can easily be rendered as enemies, heroes as villains, God as Devil and so on. I can feel the fat melting off of the childhood sponging of ideas that I absorbed as a child. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Anywho, this is yet another start to another blog and i hope that this one carries out a better job than the last one. i need the adventure and the excitement. the garden is always made tortuous.

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